December 16, 2021

Our Statement on the Introduction of the Fission for the Future Act

Today, Good Energy Collective released the following statement from Deputy Director Jackie Toth in support of the introduction of the Fission for the Future Act: 

“Across the country, the closure of fossil-fueled power plants leaves local workforces behind, eliminating well-paid energy jobs and depleting local tax revenues. The Fission for the Future Act recognizes that next-generation nuclear offers a unique opportunity to support communities that are already familiar with and work in power generation. Advanced nuclear developers are increasingly looking at the potential benefits of siting at shuttered fossil fuel power plants, such as reusing these sites’ grid connections, water access, and transportation infrastructure, and employing local workforces. Good Energy Collective has explored the potential community benefits of coal-to-nuclear repowering, and we’re excited about legislation like this that would support and center struggling communities in the deployment of advanced nuclear energy.”