April 17, 2023

Our Statement on the ADVANCE Act

On April 17, Good Energy Collective released the following statement from Deputy Director Jackie Toth on the bipartisan Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act of 2023 Act:

“The ADVANCE Act achieves what nuclear legislation always should: It balances environmental justice to address legacy harms of nuclear activities with policies to support the future adoption of innovative advanced reactors. This bill would advance restorative justice for tribal communities still bearing the health effects of abandoned uranium mines by authorizing new funding for clean-ups. It would explore ways to reinvigorate brownfields with new nuclear facilities, while supporting towns facing economic hardships from the decommissioning of reactors. And it would further enable U.S. leadership in climate diplomacy by tightening interagency coordination on the export of civil nuclear technologies. We’re thrilled to see progressive nuclear champions like Sens. Whitehouse and Booker as original cosponsors of this legislation and equally appreciate the support of Chairman Carper.”