The recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is expected to have significant impacts on the energy industry. The law includes approximately $369 billion in incentives for clean energy and climate-related program spending, including funding for a Production Tax Credit for operating nuclear plants and research, development and production of domestic High Assay Low Enrichment Uranium (HALEU) fuel. This webinar provides experts from the nuclear field to discuss new support for nuclear provided by the IRA, how this funding will impact the nuclear industry in the U.S. and how state regulators can coordinate effectively with stakeholders as these programs are designed and implemented.

Support for this webinar is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy-NARUC Nuclear Energy Partnership.

Moderator: Hon. Tim Echols, GA

Benton Arnette, Director, Markets and Policy, Nuclear Energy Institute
Jon-Michael Murray, Nuclear Policy Manager, Clean Air Task Force
Jackie Toth, Deputy Director of Good Energy Collective